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I am happy to work with businesses, charities, and other professional bodies, as well as nonfiction, fiction, and poetry authors. I can work with MS Word files, using Track Changes to make comments, changes and queries. You will then receive two copies, one showing the changes, and another ‘clean’ copy with the changes accepted for you to continue working on. I can also work with PDFs in Adobe Reader, on which I will add comments for you to make the changes yourself. If neither of these options are suitable, please let me know, and we can find an alternative solution. I offer three levels of proofreading and copyediting which vary in their depth. I will invite you to send a 500 word sample. Once I've read through your sample and we've discussed your budget, I will work out which level your project requires.

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I will check for errors in your spelling, grammar and punctuation, and make edits and suggestions to correct these according to your style guide. Otherwise, I will use the recommended standard: the Guardian Style Guide (UK) or Chicago Manual of Style (US). Proofreading also involves checking for inconsistencies within your text such as formatting – page numbers, font type and size, images and captions, etc. 





I will thoroughly sieve through your work at a sentence level, making suggestions to perfect it beyond the obvious errors found whilst proofreading, if this is also required, depending on which stage your project is at. This may include structural edits, rephrasing for clarity or accuracy, fact checking, and bringing your work up to a more accessible and professional level. 



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Fiction and Nonfiction


I have a background in creative writing, having published and edited poetry, and I am currently working on a short story collection, with experience in trading feedback regularly with other fiction writers. I am pleased to offer proofreading and copyediting services to aspiring and established authors alike to help you get your work ready for publication. Please see the information provided above. However, I will refer to the New Hart’s Rules: Oxford Style Guide (UK) or the Chicago Manual of Style (US) in my work with you. I will also provide you with an author style sheet to ask you for your preferences on things like spelling, grammar and punctuation, as well as for a list of your characters and their main attributes so that I can check for consistency throughout. As above, I can provide you with a free 500 word sample so that you can see how I work, and so I can quote you accurately. If your work is still in progress, I can also provide detailed feedback of at least one A4 page in length for an additional fee.



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